Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's a snow day

We didn't think it would be prudent to drive down to Puyallup today because of the snow and ice. On the news, it said that the West Seattle bridge was downright treacherous, so we are staying close to home today. Mark, Stacey and I took a walk down to Alki. Just walking was dangerous enough - I ended up crossing the street on my knees and going down the stairs to the beach on my tuchas - safety before dignity. Speaking of undignified - Stacey took her hat off and put it on Mark while we were watching a seal or seal lion (not sure which) in the Sound.

1 comment:

Mother of Dog said...

Hey, you're in Seattle! I just ordered a Hapa Boy sweatshirt from you off the Cafe site - I was so excited to find it, as that's my pet name for my boyfriend (who is 1/2 Taiwanese and fully awesome). Thanks for making such cool stuff - and I'm now going to have nightmares about that Patrick Dempsey doll. ;)