Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's not just a commute, it's an adventure!

So after hearing the weathermen cry, "Snow!" so many times over the years, I was hesitant to believe that the prediction of snow would actually come to fruition. It did. In fact, it dumped in West Seattle. This place is to' up! Despite the lovely storm, I decided I would still try to make it in to work. I really didn't want to use up any vacation/sick time because of a snow day. Plus, I really enjoy walking through downtown in the snow, so I hiked up to Admiral to catch a bus. Little did I know how big of a mistake that was. Basically, the abridged version is the first bus got stuck so I hiked down the hill to Alki, waited for a bus for a long time, walked to another stop, waited more, got a bus that dropped us off at the bridge, waited some more, watched a full bus go by us without stopping, walked to another stop, finally got a bus downtown, got off at Westlake and hiked up Olive/Howell to finally reach Met Park. The whole trip took over 2.5 hrs. Since I only live a little over 8 miles away, I averaged about 3.2 mph. I could have made the trip on foot faster, although I probably would have froze to death in the process.
This is a picture down on Alki. We ended up getting, I say, about 4 inches of snow. I'm glad I don't have to go back to work tomorrow because the commute is going to be awful. On my way home, I found out that all of the buses that had gone to West Seattle, got stuck there so it took quite a while to find a bus home and I had to walk the last mile or so.

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