Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tiff's Random Thought of the Day

Sadly, the brilliant epiphanies I have late at night when I'm acutely sleep-deprived are not the inventive, clever, life altering ideas I thought they were after I've attained an adequate amount of slumber.

Ice Cream and Firefighters

Ice cream and firefighters - what an awesome combination! Next Wednesday, April 29th Baskin Robbins is having a 31 cent scoop night. OK, it's not free like this week's Ben & Jerry's soiree was, but BR is making a $100,000 donation to the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC)National Junior Firefighter Program. For the details, click here. Ice cream and firefighters - you just can't go wrong on this one, ladies!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Free Cone Day

Yesterday was "Free Cone Day" at Ben & Jerry's and an awesome sister from Yesler was kind enough to send an email informing me of this special day. Throwing caution and a dairy intolerance/allergy to the wind, I had me a cone. Coconut - so yummy! Even with the gastrointestinal issues later on, it was totally worth it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Late Afternoon T

Location: Work

Listening to: Brandi Carlile's "The Story"

Mood: Generally stuffy - my office is hot and I'm congested. I know it's only barely just begun, but I can't wait for Spring to end.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Late Afternoon T

Location: Work, but getting ready to leave soon for Bellevue where I will be attending a Search and Rescue unit meeting.

Listening to: Adam Lambert's version of Tears For Fears, "Mad World." I clicked on the link from C's blog, although if you want to see it now, click here. I never had really gotten into AI much before, but this Adam dude has an amazing voice - it's not much of a competition if you go by talent alone.

Mood: A bit excited about joining SAR - it should be a good outlet for this trauma junkie. =)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tiff's Random Thought of the Day

There's just something almost magical about whipped cream.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tiff's Tips On Life

Don't watch multiple episodes of Mystery Diagnosis late at night when you are sick and have a high fever, because invariably you will think you have every disease they showcase.

Tiff's Tips

I don't generally recommend movies unless it's maybe a rated G kids film because I know that consciences vary and I don't want to offend or stumble anyone. So, taking that into account, I am not recommending this movie - I'm just making a suggestion if you do see this one. If you go to see Duplicity, there is a lot going on in this film, in fact, sometimes the screen splits into four different scenes and there are a lot of plot twists and turns, so if at all possible, I would recommend not getting up to go to the bathroom, because if you do, you probably will be totally lost when you get back.

Morning T

Location: Work, although I still feel cruddy and wish I was at home in bed. Gobi likes it when I'm home sick because then she gets to hang with me all day and being the self-centered little beast she is, she doesn't care that I feel sick.

Listening to: AR Rahman's "Shakalaka Baby." This is one of the songs in the Broadway musical, "Bombay Dreams" which Nikki and I and a couple of other sisters saw at the Paramount a few years ago.

Mood: A bit grumpy because I'm nauseated, congested and I have a headache. Spring has finally come and it is kicking my tuchas!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Afternon T

Location: Back at work after an extended illness - I was out parts of 2 weeks with a viral infection. Yuck!

Listening to: Adam Sandler's "Hine Ma Tov" off of "The Jewish Songbook, The Heart & Humor of a People" album. I'm trying to get a better feel for the Jewish part of my 'alleged' heritage. I think this is the only song I've heard Sandler sing where he's not trying to be funny - I think I prefer Jason Alexander's "Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max."

Mood: A little queasy and wiped, but I'm still hoping to go out this evening after work and help finish distributing Memorial invitations.